Danny Lopez, CEO of Glasswall Solutions, has had a successful international career to date in banking, marketing, diplomacy and technology.
This year has been another roller coaster ride for the cybersecurity industry and the organizations around the world it seeks to protect. Cybercriminals and nation-state actors continue to successfully evolve their methods while also pursuing tried and tested approaches, with issues such as ransomware continuing to make headlines around the world.
But what’s the direction of travel for 2023? What risks are likely to emerge, and where are the biggest opportunities for industry stakeholders to raise protection levels while also delivering business growth despite the uncertain economic outlook? Here are eight important trends and issues to keep tabs on during the next 12 months along with my predictions:
1. Cybersecurity Spending
Despite the challenges faced by economies around the world that are either racing toward or already in recession, cybersecurity spending is likely to increase. Why? Quite simply, it’s become an essential budget line and, in many cases, now represents an organization’s license to trade. As attacks and risks increase, so will spending as security continues to climb up the risk registers of organizations in both the public and private sectors. It’s also interesting to note that the tone associated with cybersecurity spending has shifted from just a few years ago, when many organizations struggled to identify their business value, to today, when few sensible organizations would risk compromising on their infrastructure and data.
2. State-Sponsored Cyber Warfare
Back in February and March of this year, it was widely predicted that Russian-backed cyberattacks and disruption would become a significant issue. Thankfully, this hasn’t quite materialized, but as geopolitical tensions continue to dial up, we should remain extremely vigilant, with interference and disruption remaining the main drivers. There are also 70 elections due to take place around the world in 2023, which have increasingly become a magnet for state-sponsored attacks wanting to cause confusion and exert influence.
3. Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning
These are terms every sector likes to use, and cyber is no exception, but in the next 12 months and beyond, we’ll see their importance increase. In particular, these technologies will play a major role in the development of automated security solutions that help predict patterns and behavior of attack.
4. The Internet Of Things
Our cars and homes are packed with software that invites bad actors to launch attacks, and the year ahead will see more of these devices targeted. In addition, many of us spend more time on our phones than on our computers, yet we still spend far more protecting the latter, expecting miraculously that our phones are so expensive they must be secure. The emphasis needs to be more balanced to protect connected technologies across the board.
5. Cloud Security
Much is talked about how remote working and a post-pandemic world have increased cybersecurity risks as we all raced to the cloud. The key cloud-related risk, however, is how we actually engage with the technology at the periphery, as the main providers generally offer an extremely secure core environment. In particular, organizations must be more proactive in the way they secure files as they’re uploaded or downloaded to and from the cloud.
6. Cybersecurity As A Leadership Issue
Next year, leadership teams and boards will become better at dealing with cyber risks, with more of them coming to understand that cyber is primarily a risk conversation. I expect many leaders have learned this lesson—either through having to deal with the impact of an attack or as awareness has grown—and will be far more effective in dealing with their CISO and security teams as a result.
7. Legislation
In 2023, we should expect more legislation holding vendors accountable. The U.S. government, for example, is enforcing standards and leading the way on this for the software it procures. This will happen across the world in both the public and private sectors, leading to more maturity in the industry and increasing consumer confidence.
8. The State Of The Cybersecurity Sector
Growth at all costs will become a thing of the past, with investors prioritizing a route to profitability that will likely lead to a smaller number of cybersecurity players. A good thesis will no longer attract funding, and instead, only strong solutions with existing and growing revenue driven by tried and tested technologies will make it through the next two years—and that’s not a bad thing for the industry.
Cybersecurity risks are unfortunately only going to increase but so will the ability of boards and executive teams to deal with these new challenges. What’s key is to ensure that cybersecurity is at the heart of any organization’s digital strategy. It’s an enabler of growth. Those for whom cybersecurity is a strategic priority will be far better equipped to deal with any new risks ahead.
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